On Sunday 4 August 2024, the parish Wedding Anniversary Mass for those celebrating marriage milestones set a new record – 5 couples marked their 50th or Golden Anniversaries. Their collective 250 years of marriage brought the total number of years celebrated by the 19 couples to 701. Our most senior couple, Mary and Jeff Francis, led the way with 61 years. Another highlight of the celebration was the angelic voices of the San Lorenzo Ruiz Choir, which made a guest appearance specially for this Mass. Our sincere thanks to the group. We also thank Fr CJ for celebrating Mass and sharing his wise words with all married couples present, Xavier Das, Helen and Mike Miller for their help with the PowerPoint slides, Rudy Hendarman for photography, hospitality helpers Cassie Fernandez, Jacinta and the new members of the organising team, Marina Francis and Margaret Yesuratnam.
Sneak peek: Next year, the Wedding Anniversary Mass will achieve its own special anniversary – the 20th year of this celebration in our parish. To mark this special occasion, we will invite for the first time, couples celebrating their 20th wedding anniversary. Look out for the announcement soon after Easter next year.
The organising team: Christine & Basil Fernandez, Anne & Casey Lee and Su & David Goh.
Click the following link for the photo gallery:
Wedding Anniversary 2024 Photo Gallery

Marina & Ivor Klassen, Golden Wedding Anniversary celebrants cutting the cake with Fr CJ