
Baptisms in our Parish
Baptisms are celebrated on Saturdays at 9:00 am during Mass or Sundays at 11.30 am in the Church of Sts John & Paul, Willetton. There are no baptisms during Lent. At the Easter Vigil, the RCIA Elect receive the Sacraments of Initiation.
The request for an infant Baptism should be made at least three weeks before the date that the parents prefer. Contact is made in person or by phone at the Parish Centre. Particulars for the Parish register are recorded and an appointment made for the pre-Baptism preparation.
The aim of the preparation is to discuss the implications for the child’s faith development in the request for Baptism and to be aware of the rites of the sacrament. In the case of the first child it is desirable that both parents be present for the preparation, and if possible, the godparents.
First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion and Confirmation
To prepare for these Sacraments children must go through a period of instruction as prepared by Catholic Education or the Catechist Service and presented in lessons by teachers in Catholic schools or by catechists. If your child does not attend a Catholic school they are prepared in after school classes to receive the Sacraments. Classes are held at Willetton Catholic Parish Centre, Tuesday, from 4 to 5pm. Minimum age for reception of Sacraments:
- First Reconciliation – Year 3
- First Holy Communion – Year 4
- Confirmation – Year 6
Enrolments are held at the beginning of the school years or when you join the parish

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a process for preparing and welcoming new members into the Catholic Church. The process culminates at Easter when you are received into the Catholic faith through the Sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation. Through the RCIA, you will encounter our Lord Jesus; and through Him, live the fullness of life.
Sacrament of Marriage
Love and Marriage are two of God’s most beautiful gifts to us. If your love is so strong that you have made a commitment to marriage, then we as a parish family welcome you both to celebrate your wedding with us in our parish church.
We believe marriage to be a covenant based on your love and faith for each other – a commitment for life and blessed by God. Believing these things, it is important for you to prepare as well as possible for your big day, and to know clearly the details you need to arrange.
The purpose of this letter is to help the preparation run smoothly and to make sure the main issues are discussed.

Reach out!
We are here as a community in Christ, don’t be afraid to reach out or ask any questions regarding our parish!