Parish Groups

ALTAR SERVERS Training sessions for girls and boys who have made their First Holy Communion and wish to serve on the Altar are held twice per year at John Paul Church. Enq: Pat Bonser.

ARISE Charismatic Prayer Group The Willetton Parish of Sts John and Paul announce the starting of their new Catholic Charismatic Prayer Group on Wednesday, 12th June 2019. Entitled “ARISE”, the group will meet every Wednesday, 11.30am – 1.30pm in the church except school holidays. All are invited to come, to worship and to seek an ever-deepening relationship of love with Jesus Christ.
For further information, please contact Irene Er-Smith.

CRAFT CIRCLE knits blankets for the St Vincent de Paul Society, baby clothing for Pregnancy Assistance and supports the Kimberley Mission. Everyone welcome. Wednesdays from 9.30am-12.00 pm. Enq: Barbara Zukowski.

FAMILY HOUR ADORATION (HOLY HOUR) As busy as Jesus was, he always took time out to pray and He invites us all, “to come aside and rest for a while”. You are all welcome to an hour of Adoration together in our parish on the second Monday of each month from 7.30am to 8.30pm. During this time we pray together in silence and in song, savouring the peace and presence of our Lord in the Most Blessed Sacrament, as we listen to God’s Word and also bring our thanksgiving and intercessions. The hour usually concludes with Benediction. You do not have to be a member, this is just an opportunity to pray together before our Eucharistic Lord. Enq: Andre Sequeira.

FINANCE COUNCIL supports the Parish Priest in the administration of parish finances and the planned giving scheme. The committee meets on the 2nd Tuesday of every 2nd month. Enq: Patrick O’Keeffe.

GROWING VINE A day of companionship for senior citizens is held each Friday at the John Paul Centre. Members are picked up by bus. Mass is at 12.00 noon followed by lunch and activities. Morning tea and lunch are catered for by volunteers – new volunteers always welcome. Social outings are organised during the year for members. Enq: Richard Desouza.

IGNATION SPIRITUALITY fosters an interior freedom facilitating good life decisions, something particularly relevant to modern women and men. Within the Willetton parish you can access a Christian Life Community Group which meets fortnightly to further your spiritual life. Enq: Romolo Cirillo.

JOHN PAUL CARE offers, through its volunteers, short term (up to 3 months) emergency care to anyone who lives within the parish.  Assistance is offered in the areas of bereavement/grief support, visiting the sick and the elderly, mental health, support for parents, cooking, transport, gardening and handyman.  Enq: Rosa Pasquale.

JOHN PAUL CHURCH CLEANERS On a weekly roster the church gets cleaned/dusted/vacuumed etc. At present we have seven groups from 2 to 4 persons in each group. If you wish to join us as an individual or as a group, come along. Frequency is once in seven weeks (longer if we have more volunteers) with certain tasks done per week and take approximately 2 hours depending on numbers in each group. As a volunteer you choose your time/s or join a group that cleans on a day that suits you. If you wish to join us please contact Rudy Mortier.

JOHN PAUL FLOWER LADIES arrange flowers for the weekend masses. Experience is desirable, however, full training will be provided. New members are always welcome so if you wish to be a part of this creative ministry we are happy to place you on the roster. Please contact Parish Office at 9332 5992 during office hours.

JOHN PAUL YOUTH MINISTRY (JPYM) is a youth group for young adults (ages 18 to 35) which focuses on fellowship, learning about our faith and contributing to the parish and broader community. JPYM also aims to help support young adults navigate the modern world and us all closer to our Lord. For more information, please contact: Fr CJ Millen.

LINEN ROSTER Laundering of Sts. John & Paul Church linen. If you would like to place your name on this roster, please contact the coordinator Pat Bonser.

MARRIAGE PREPARATION a parish-based program which helps engaged couples prepare for marriage. Enq: Carmen & Harry McDonald.

MEDITATION GROUP contemplative prayer in a quiet setting. All are welcome every Thursday from 7 to 9 pm in Room 9, Parish Centre. Enq: Thomas Jayaprakash.

MUSIC MINISTRY provides for all our parish liturgical celebrations. Musicians and singers are always needed. To become part of this exciting ministry, please contact: Joseph Carlos.

NOVENA TO OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP We know that when Jesus died on the cross, he entrusted the whole of humanity to His Mother. The Novena provides an avenue for us to come together as a community and personally to invoke the intercession of Our Blessed Mother over our burdens, prayers and concerns, confident that she would pray for us. Enq: Letisha Leo or Babu Kuriyan.

PARISH MAINTENANCE TEAM has been formed to look after the physical assets of the parish, both for immediate maintenance and maintenance planning purposes and seeks members with experience and knowledge in building maintenance, electrical maintenance, plumbing, audio visual equipment operation, carpentry, information technology and garden maintenance and reticulation systems. Interested, please contact Ken Patterson (for general maintenance) or Howard Ong (for IT maintenance).

PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL is a representative body of the Parish.  We work with the priests to address the needs of our Parish.  Councillors welcome your opinions.  3rd Wednesday of each month. Enq:  Michael Reutens (Chair) or Andre Sequeira (Vice Chair).

PERSONAL ADVOCACY SERVICE promotes the value and dignity of people with intellectual disabilities, focussing on the spiritual, social and emotional development of the individual on a one-to-one basis. For further information please contact: Julie Branch or Andrea Carlos.

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION FOR CHILDREN aims to provide religious education and preparation to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Holy Communion and Confirmation for all primary age students not attending Catholic schools and any other children yet to receive any of these Sacraments. Tuesdays 4.00-5.00 pm during the school term at the John Paul Centre. Enq: Magdalene Heldt or Luanna Bong.

PRE-BAPTISM PROGRAM Discussion of ceremony and child’s faith development. Appointment should be made a minimum of 2 weeks before the preferred date of the baptism. Enq: Mary de Wever.

RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS (RCIA) is a process whereby adults seeking to become Catholics are prepared over a period of 30+ weeks of discussion in small groups with an individual sponsor and a catechist. The process culminates at the Easter Vigil Mass when participants receive the Sacraments of Baptism (if necessary), Eucharist and Confirmation. The R.C.I.A. begins around July and parishioners are needed to act as sponsors who are an integral part of the process. Enq: John Richards.

SOCIETY OF ST VINCENT de PAUL strives to deepen the Catholic faith of its members. We share ourselves—who we are and what we have—with the poor on a person-to-person basis. Our preferred option in this mission of service is to work with the poor in development, by respecting their dignity, sharing our hope and encouraging them to take control of their own destiny. Meetings: Every Monday, 7.30-8.30pm. Enq: Ann Fernandez (SVDP Emergency Relief 1300794054).

ST VINCENT de PAULPIETY STALL is staffed by volunteers who serve the stall after each of the four weekend Masses. The stall has an extensive range of sacramental items, Missals and Bibles, rosaries, crucifixes, religious items, children’s books and gifts. All funds from the selling of items goes to St. Vincent de Paul Society for the benefit of people in need of help from Vinnies. Enq: Linda Lau.

THE LEGION OF MARY (OUR LADY OF THE MISSIONS) meets every Friday at 2 pm at the John Paul Centre, seeking to promote gospel values and the work of Our Lady. Enq: Winston Bristow or Clara Gemmy.

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